Our Mission

Greetings from our Pastors

We take this opportunity to welcome you to the family of Anointed Body of Christ Church. We are an Interdenominational Church, therefore we do not ascribe to any denominational structure for leadership or accountability except the WORD OF GOD!  We base our doctrines UPON the non-negotiables of Christian doctrine, the Bible’s infallibility (John 17:17) and Jesus Christ’s being the only way to salvation (John 14:6).

We follow the direction of the Holy Spirit without constraints of governing bodies. Jesus never assigned denominational tags. He said, “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37). The Body of Christ is made up of “everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord” (Acts 2:21), and the gospel of salvation by grace through faith unites believers, despite our differences. Heaven will forever be interdenominational, as “every nation, tribe, and tongue” (Revelation 5:9) will worship the same Lord in harmony together forever.

God is doing great works and we expect a high level of commitment that will strengthen us in our walk with Christ, and our love and care for our community.

Our purpose is to bring glory to God through the growing of a biblically spiritual family of fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who make disciples locally and among the nations. We want to get to know you personally and hope you will find us to be the most attentive and loving church you have ever visited.

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey—asking questions about the Bible, God, or personal issues, a new Christian seeking Bible-based discipleship, or a committed Christian seeking to strengthen your faith and relationship with God – Anointed Body of Christ Church wants to serve you. We invite you to get involved with us in serving God and each other.

Yours in Christ,
Pastors Bobby & Pauline Sims
Members of Anointed Body Of Christ Church

Our Pastors